Monday, July 20, 2009

My Search

I am in class multitasking, I decided to take a class about web page design. As I am sitting here, learning about web page design. I am looking for a new job. A new job, it feels like I have been unemployed forever. I cant stand it. I hate talking about it. I feel like a loser for not having a job. Truth be told I know that its not my fault. There was a reduction in force and my contract was not renewed. I know that, I tell myself that everyday. Reality hit when I received my last paycheck. I have always worked since I was 14 (Yeah DC Summerworks!), my pride holds me back to ask for help. It was demeaning to file for unemployment. Ugh!!! And to think there are some people who live off unemployment. I can see how that is possible. It is going to take 3 checks just for me to pay my house note. I wonder who decided how much unemployment you get. Better yet who designed the system, I understand that one is not tom ake a living off of it, but dang I cant even live with what they are giving me.

So now Im on my search, I am searching for a new job in any shape, form or fashion. So far finding jobs that appeal to me has been great. What is frustrating is that, I have not received any calls. I feel that I am qualified to do pretty much anything. I am a fast learner, but I just cant stop thinking about how many others applied for the same job.

Can say that it has been interesting, last week I went to a job fair and saw so many donts. And to think that my mother and I was having a discussion about me wearing pants and not a skirt.

1. Please dont look like you just came from the club. I saw so many females that was wearing too tight, too low cut clothing.
2. Keep your hair neat. Just because your hair is natural doesnt mean that it has to be a mess. Props goes out the the lady with the black power afro. It demanded attention and it wasnt messy. Have your hair cut, pulled back neat, something
3. Men - Dont wear a baseball cap, comb your hair
4. Hide your tattoos, come on you are looking for a job. You want to be remembered for your qualifications .
5. Which brings me to this, if you have tattoos or thinking about getting one (I have 5), get them in places that can be covered up easily.
6. Dress professionally, wearing your favorite t-shirt and jeans may not get you the job

Through out the job fair there were so many people in violation of the basics, I wanted to pull them to the side and slap them with a fine.
What will boil my blood, they will get a job before me

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we subconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Early work

I have been cleaning and purging...I found some poems that I wrote sooo looonnng ago...Here they are
You Love Me
When you say that you love me
Do you mean it, well see
Will you go to the highest mountian
Go to the lowest point of the sea
When you say that you love me
Is it just for me
When you say that you love me
Do you know what that means
In three words can you tell me
Is one talking about me
When you say that you love me
I know what it means
And I know that I love you
Is the strongest feeling for me
When you left me
Did you know when you left me
You broke my heart in two
Did you know that when you left me
There was noone who could replace you
Did you know that when you left me
You turned my world around
Did you know that when you left me
My feelings went upside down
Did you know that when you was there
I could hope for the better
Did you know that when you was there
I wanted to love you forever